We help your Business!
We have built and sustained the most valuable platforms for spreading relevant information, rallying stakeholders for collaboration, promoting innovative ideas, corporations, personalities, products and services within the built and construction sector.
Real Estate / Building Technology Marketing
Having established a strong network with professionals in all areas of the construction industry, we have established a department for Marketing and partnership in promoting new building technology and real estate.
TV & Radio Production
We are the producers and owners of Housing Development program on Africa independent Television – pioneer Housing TV program on Housing in Nigeria
We are producers and promoters of Housing Development program on TVC ( Television Continental)
We are producers of Housing Time on Raypower 100.5Fm ( First radio program on housing in Nigeria established in 1999
We are the producer of Housing TV Africa ( You Tube channel)
Conference & Exhibition Packaging
We are the promoter of Abuja international housing show- The largest housing and construction industry event in Africa.
This we have organized for 15years with annual exhibitors of not less than 400companies,over 15countries annually and over 15,000 participants annually
We av also assisted in packaging workshops,Trade shows for Lagos chamber of commerce, Real estate developers Association of Nigeria, federal mortgage bank of Nigeria,Nigeria mortgage refinance company of Nigeria
Media / PR Consultancy
We are media consultants to major leading real estate companies ,mortgage banks, housing finance institutions such as federal mortgage bank and family Homes funds, Senate committee on housing, Nigeria etc
Outdoor Bill boards
We have many bill boards in Lagos and Abuja for outdoor advertising.
Most of our bill boards are the hosts for major real estate adverts in Abuja